In his books he also describes and explains the channelling process. He states that no medium, channeler or clairvoyant is able to convey the received information perfectly, since they have to translate the information coming from the entity into words and concepts we can understand.
The messages of Kryon transcend our normal reality and should not be taken literally. They are intended to help humans “ascend to a higher vibrational level”, which is synonymous to overall physical , mental and spiritual evolution.
In the early books Kryon presented himself as an entity from the “magnetic service”, whose task is the reconstruction of the Earth’s magnetic grid in accordance with the new evolutionary tasks of Humanity.
In the later books Lee Carroll describes Kryon as an angelic being coming from the Source or the Central Sun. He claims to belong to the same Family as Archangel Michael. The New Age interpretation of the term angel is expanded to a much broader spiritual and philosophical meaning than the traditional one.
Through the years Kryon has provided elaborate information on many of the popular New Age concepts, such as reincarnation, ascension, human DNA, karmic groups, karmic implant, karmic imprint, spiritual contract, co-creating and synchronicity. Kryon teaches us that Earth is a living entity with an individual consciousness, that cooperates with humans.
In his books Kryon also explains the mechanics of reincarnation which are philosophically similar to the dharmic approaches common in Hinduism and Buddhism. He also stresses the importance, purpose and value of human life and death.
Another topic discussed in his books is the 2012 transition, which helped facilitate the opening of new avenues in the collective mind of humanity. This transition is still happening on the level of the sub-conscious, archetypal energy.
Lee Carroll is also a co-author of three books on the subject of indigo children, which he wrote with his spiritual partner Jan Tober. The indigo children are a new generation of children, born with a higher consciousness.
Some of the characteristics of indigo children include:
They have a high intelligence quotient and an inherent intuitive ability.
They possess a clear sense of purpose and self-definition.
They exhibit a strong innate sub-conscious spirituality from early childhood.
They are curious, independent, strong-willed and empathetic.
They are often perceived by friends and family as being strange.
They have a strong resistance to rigid, control-based paradigms of authority.
You can find more information about Kryon on Lee Carroll’s official website :
On the website you can find more than 100 hours of free audio in many languages, transcribed channellings going back many years, and a very large questions and answers forum featuring hundreds of questions. The site is packed with information that is free to download, print out, and use for your own spiritual learning and growth.
Lee Carroll also organizes the Kryon seminars, which are presented all over the Americas, western Europe, Israel, and now Russia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Baltic states. His worldwide seminar schedule is available on his website.
Lee Carroll was also featured in the documentary film Tuning In, along with Geoffrey Hoppe and four other channellers.
All of his books are available on Amazon…
Kryon Series
The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace (1993), 172 pages
Don’t Think Like a Human: Channelled Answers to Basic Questions (1994), 288 pages
Alchemy of The Human Spirit: A Guide To Human Transition into the New Age (1995), 376 pages
The Parables of Kryon (1996), 141 pages
The Journey Home: A Kryon Parable, The Story of Michael Thomas and the Seven Angels (1998), 256 pages
Partnering With God: Practical Information for the New Millennium (1997), 400 pages,
Letters from Home: Loving Messages from the Family (1999), 456 pages
Passing the Marker: Understanding the New Millenium Energy (2000), 424 pages
The New Beginning: 2002 and Beyond (2002), 384 pages
A New Dispensation: Plain Talk For Confusing Times (2004), 408 pages
Lifting The Veil: The New Energy Apolocalypse (2007), 384 pages
The Twelve Layers of DNA (2010), 336 pages
Indigo children series
The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived (with Jan Tober) (1999) Hay House.
Indigo Celebration: More Messages, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children (with Jan Tober) (2001) Hay House
The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What’s Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! (with Jan Tober) (2009) Hay House
Other co-authored books
Great Shift: The Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond (with Tom Kenyon, Patricia Cori, and Martine Vallée) (2009) Weiser Books