After you have registered your domain name it is time to sign up for your web hosting. The web host is the company that houses your site, provides you with the space, tools and support to create your web pages and email accounts (
As with domain registrars there are many companies out there, that offer hosting to aspiring new internet entrepreneurs. You can choose whatever company you like – but the one I have been using and can wholeheartedly recommend is Hostgator. The one thing I especially like about them is the 24/7 live chat customer support. I cannot tell you how many times I had issues with my websites, that their professional support team always resolved quickly and in a calm and relaxed way. At hostgator you can choose from many different web hosting plans, such as hatchling, baby and business plans depending on the number of websites you want them to host. The signing up process is simple and if you have any aditional questions just ask their support team.
Below is a video explaining how to sign up for webhosting with hostgator:
You can sign up for your web hosting here: